Bluetooth beacon for indoor localization

Accurate indoor localization for quick response

Bluetooth beacon technology for indoor tracking is a revolutionary solution developed specifically for personal emergency signaling systems. This advanced technology enables precise localization of people indoors, making it an essential tool for ensuring safety and rapid response in critical situations.

Innovative Sicherheitslösung für Senioren mit Tracking und Kommunikationsfunktionen

Das SeniorTel Notrufarmband ermöglicht es Menschen in ganz Europa, in Notsituationen durch einen einfachen Knopfdruck oder die Erkennung von Stürzen umgehend Hilfe zu rufen. Nutzer können direkt mit ihren Notfallkontakten oder optional mit einer professionellen 24/7 Notrufzentrale kommunizieren.

Als besorgter Angehöriger möchten Sie sicherstellen, dass Ihre Liebsten stets in Sicherheit sind. Dank der innovativen Funktionen vom SeniorTel Notrufarmband ist dies nun möglich. Das Notrufsystem informiert Sie oder eine professionelle Notrufzentrale sofort bei einem Notfall, damit Sie schnellstmöglich Hilfe leisten können.

Unser fortschrittliches Notrufsystem, bestehend aus einem Armband und einer App, gewährleistet Ihre Sicherheit in Notfällen. Durch einfaches Betätigen des Notrufknopfs am Armband oder die automatische Sturzerkennung werden Ihre Notfallkontakte oder die 24/7 Notrufzentrale unverzüglich benachrichtigt.
Die App ist das zentrale Verwaltungstool für das Notrufarmband. Legen Sie Ihre persönliche Alarmierungskette fest und konfigurieren Sie Ihr Notrufarmband. Für iOS und Android verfügbar.

Accurate indoor localization for quick response

Bluetooth beacon technology for indoor tracking is a revolutionary solution developed specifically for personal emergency signal systems. This advanced technology enables precise localization of people indoors, making it an essential tool for ensuring safety and rapid response in critical situations.

By using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), small, energy-efficient beacons continuously emit signals that can be captured by smartphones or specialized receivers. In the event of an emergency, this technology enables response teams to quickly identify the exact location of the person in need of assistance by analyzing their proximity to the nearest beacons.

A key aspect of this system is the ability to define specific areas or zones within a building. When a person triggers an emergency transmitter, the system can immediately recognize which area the person is in, which enables a rapid and targeted response.

The main advantages of this technology include:

  • Accurate indoor localization: In contrast to GPS, which is unreliable indoors, Bluetooth beacons provide accurate positioning, even in complex and angled building structures.
  • Quick responsiveness: In an emergency, every second counts. The immediate location of the affected person can be decisive for successful assistance.
  • Easy deployment and maintenance: Beacons are small, inexpensive, and energy efficient, making them a practical solution for facilities of all sizes.
  • versatility: This technology is not only suitable for emergency situations, but also for general security and monitoring purposes, such as tracking personnel in critical areas or monitoring patients in medical facilities.

The integration of Bluetooth beacon indoor tracking into personal emergency signal systems represents a significant step forward in security technology. It offers a reliable, precise and efficient way to provide rapid assistance in emergencies and sets new standards for safety in public institutions, workplaces and living areas.

Bluetooth beacon


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